Presse Münsterland e.V. | Tourism figures 2020 Münsterland
Tourism figures Münsterland 2020
© Münsterland e.V.

Tourism figures 2020 show dramatic situation of businesses in Münsterland

MÜNSTERLAND. "It was a long time coming, but now we have it in black and white: tourism numbers in our region have plummeted dramatically due to the Corona pandemic. A major setback for the very positive tourism development of the last 30 years," says Michael Kösters, General Manager and Head of Tourism at the regional management organisation Münsterland e.V. The tourism figures for the entire year were published today by Information und Technik Nordrhein-Westfalen (IT.NRW). "With 927,591 arrivals, down 47.2 per cent compared to 2019, and 2,405,394 overnight stays, down 40.2 per cent, we are at levels like 1990 on the demand side."

Although the figures for rural regions and also the Münsterland are better than for some trade fair and big cities - Kösters emphasises: "That is no consolation, the industry and the businesses in our region are suffering very badly and are in need of quick financial support as well as easing soon."

Kösters also sees no recovery in the travel market for 2021: "The year that has started does not look any better at the moment. We expect very low figures for the entire first quarter due to the lockdown. In 2020, travel was still possible until mid-March, but this year is of course different." His forecast: "The period after Easter depends very much on the extent of the relaxation, but there will not be unrestricted travel immediately after that either, and the public's confidence in safe travel has fallen significantly in recent months. That's why we're doing everything we can to bring Münsterland back into the conversation as a safe holiday and excursion destination as soon as we can."

One of the plans is to continue the campaign "Dein MünsterLand Moment" (Your MünsterLand Moment), which Münsterland e.V. launched last year together with Münster Marketing and the initiative Starke Innenstadt Münster (Strong City Centre Münster). On the website www.DeinMü, experience tips and holiday ideas were bundled and specifically advertised. And according to Kösters, there is enough potential in 2021: "In Münsterland we can offer many outdoor activities with the necessary safety and hygiene measures. Cycling, riding, picnicking - people can do that self-sufficiently and with the necessary distance rules."

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Münsterland e.V. has also been actively involved in the consultations at the NRW level on how to deal with the pandemic and the gradual easing of restrictions for the tourism industry. "Here we are trying to take up the cudgels for the businesses and are campaigning to show them perspectives," Kösters concluded.

Your contact persons

Michael Kösters
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Michael Kösters
Chief Representative
Division Management Tourism

0049 2571 94 93 02

Eva Stannigel
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Eva Stannigel
Press and public relations

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