Training Checker | Regional Agency | Press Münsterland e.V.
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© Münsterland e.V./Fabian Riediger

Check out offers, start training

Aus(bildungs)checker" campaign inspires pupils and parents about apprenticeship occupations

The son disappears for hours in the workshop? Your daughter prefers to work on the construction site? The best prerequisite for an apprenticeship! In order to get even more pupils interested in precisely this educational path, the Münsterland Regional Agency, together with the NRW Training Consensus, has launched the "Aus(bildungs)checker" campaign. This campaign is not only aimed at young people, but also explicitly at their parents. It informs about the advantages of vocational training and wants to encourage parents to support their child in this decision for the future.

"The Corona crisis has made the situation on the training market even worse," explains Julia Roesler, head of the Münsterland Regional Agency, which is based at Münsterland e.V.. "School leavers were not able to go looking for apprenticeships as usual, and companies had fewer opportunities to advertise intensively for new apprentices." As a result, there are still many unfilled vacancies on the training market. For this reason, the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of North Rhine-Westphalia has called for a stabilisation of the training market.

The Münsterland Regional Agency is also involved in this and has now launched the "Aus(bildungs)checker" campaign together with the NRW Training Consensus. The website not only provides information about counselling and training opportunities in the region. Parents and their children also have their say, telling more about their path from school to training and presenting their respective training occupations. Marvin, for example, came to Germany only five years ago and is now becoming a health and nursing assistant. Lara is becoming a bricklayer because she likes to see every day what she has created with her own hands. And her parents support her in her decision, as is clear from the portraits.

Now the website is being steadily expanded and marketed through various channels.

More information on the topic of training and on the "Aus(bildungs)checker!" campaign can be found at

More about the Münsterland Regional Agency

The Münsterland Regional Agency, based at Münsterland e.V., is part of a state-wide implementation and support structure of the NRW Ministry of Labour (MAGS). Together with 15 other regional agencies and the state's granting and advisory institutions, it implements the MAGS employment and training programmes on the ground. The financial and legal framework is provided by the European Social Fund of the European Union.

The Münsterland Regional Agency strengthens the labour market of the Münsterland region with concepts, programmes and projects and thus makes the offers of the state's labour policy effective locally. An important part of this is the topic of training. Together with the other actors in Münsterland, new regional strategies are developed to secure existing jobs in the long term or to install new employment potential.

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Paulina Wittich
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Paulina Wittich

0049 2571 94 93 35

Mareike Meiring
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Mareike Meiring
Press and public relations

0049 2571 94 93 34

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