Unternehmensnachfolge im Münsterland: André Keeve aus Ibbenbüren setzt eigenen Führungsstil im elterlichen Betrieb ein
Successor André Keeve
© Spiecker Media GmbH
Press release

Company succession in Münsterland: André Keeve from Ibbenbüren implements his own management style in his parents' business

Latest podcast episodes of the joint project Gründergeist #Youngstarts Münsterland

In the podcast "How was it with you ...? - Company succession in Münsterland", the team of the joint project Gründergeist #Youngstarts Münsterland interviewed successors from the region for over two years. In podcast episode 30, potential successors get an insight into the story of André Keeve from Ibbenbüren. He is the last successor interviewed by the Youngstarts team as part of the EU-funded project. Episode 31, as the last episode of the successor podcast for the time being, finally takes listeners on a journey through the entire season.

After years of working in large companies and corporations worldwide, André Keeve decided to take over his father's company. The parental software company RHAPSODY is also represented in Hamburg in addition to the location in Ibbenbüren and offers the 45-year-old the professional self-determination that he previously lacked. "The first thing I did was to push ahead with digitalisation internally and, in the future, our products will also be optimised in this respect," Keeve explains. In the podcast, he also reports on the changes he has already implemented as successor in the company and how the leadership styles of father and son differ fundamentally.

In the last episode of the podcast, the interviewers of the project team look back at all the personal succession stories of the Münsterlanders - from the hotel manager to the stonemason to the hairdresser. In addition, they tell of their first experiences behind the microphone and of the feedback from the interviewees. "For our goal of increasing the number of potential business successors in the region, the podcast format was just right. The interviewees were able to tell their personal stories in a relaxed atmosphere, because there is no one silver bullet to success and that is exactly what we were able to make clear in the 30 episodes," sums up Frank Sibbing, project manager of the joint project Gründergeist #Youngstarts Münsterland at Münsterland e.V. The podcast recorded a total of over 7,000 listeners in 2022, compared to 6,400 in 2021.

Interested parties can still find this and all other podcast episodes at www.youngstarts-muensterland.com as well as on various well-known audio platforms such as Spotify, Deezer, Soundcloud, Apple Podcast and Google Podcast. The funding project ended at the end of 2022 - whether there will be another season of the follow-up podcast is still open.

Further information on the project
The joint project Gründergeist #Youngstarts Münsterland is behind the production of the podcast. The project to strengthen the start-up intensity in Münsterland was aimed at potential business successors and pupils. More information is available at www.youngstarts-muensterland.com.

The project was funded by the European Union and the NRW Ministry of Economics as part of the ERDF call "Regio.NRW". Münsterland e.V. implemented it as lead partner together with the following partners: Wirtschaftsförderung Kreis Coesfeld GmbH (wfc), Wirtschaftsförderung im Kreis Warendorf (gfw), Technologieförderung Münster GmbH, TAFH Münster GmbH, Wirtschaftsförderungs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft Steinfurt mbH (WESt) and Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft für den Kreis Borken mbH (WFG).

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Frank Sibbing
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina

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