Press Münsterland e.V. | Bicycle Day 2020 | Münsterland
Cycling in the Münsterland
© Münsterland e.V.

We are bicycles! Münsterland scores with a wide range of offers on Bicycle Day on 3 June

MUNSTERLAND. Whoever says Münsterland must also say bicycle! The region is well prepared for the Day of the Bicycle on 3 June. "Münsterland is one of the most popular cycling regions in Germany, which can score points with the booming topic of cycling, especially in Corona times," says Michael Kösters, head of tourism at the regional management organisation Münsterland e.V. At, the association has currently put together ten tours that show excursionists the most beautiful sides of the region.

"Our cycling tour tips whet the appetite for the Münsterland and, in the current situation, also offer useful information on the opening times of the sights and restaurants along the route. Also listed, for example, are picnic spots that make for a nice break on the ride one way or the other," says Kösters. The tours are between 22 and 60 kilometres long and lead along sections of the 100 Castles Route through the entire Münsterland region.

And in other respects, too, two tyres are enough to be happy in Münsterland: "The region offers around 4,500 kilometres of cycle paths, numerous Bed&Bike establishments, many rental stations, well-known cycle companies, packages, tour tips and much more," says Kösters, summarising the offer and explaining: "The special attraction of cycling in Münsterland is quite practically the predominantly flat, often low-traffic paths, but also the unique park landscape. Over very long stretches, Münsterland offers cultivated and well-kept landscapes that give cyclists a sense of relaxation and a real holiday feeling. Our claim 'THE GOOD LIFE' becomes reality there on the bike saddle."

This assessment is confirmed, for example, by the ADFC cycle trip analysis, in which the Münsterland has been voted one of the top places for years. And even in urban centres, the people of Münsterland are reluctant to give up their leeze: more and more people are getting on their bikes for the daily commute to work or do a lot of their leisure time by bike. In Münsterland, for example, according to statistics from IT.NRW, almost 22 percent of commuters use a bicycle - almost three times as many as the NRW average of 8.2 percent.

"This shows that cycling is not just a tourist issue," says Klaus Ehling, board member of Münsterland e.V. "It is also an important location factor for skilled workers and future Münsterlanders, for whom mobility and sustainability are important decision-making criteria. Keywords here are cycle routes, job bikes or sharing models. It is extremely important that we strengthen and expand this potential and that the region continues to develop its offers. This is happening right now and will happen in the coming years, for example, through the 'Mobile Münsterland' project."

Further information

Catalogues on cycling and short holidays as well as a clear cycling planning map can be ordered and downloaded at

An overview of bicycle rentals with a search of the surrounding area in Münsterland is provided by Münsterland e.V. at

All information about cycling is available at:

Your contact persons

Michael Kösters
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Michael Kösters
Chief Representative
Division Management Tourism

0049 2571 94 93 02

Eva Stannigel
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Eva Stannigel
Press and public relations

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