Presse Münsterland e.V. | Youth Study | Regions | Survey
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The future has its say: Westphalian regions take a look at the needs, wishes and motivations of young people with a youth study

Joint survey of almost 800 young people in Münsterland, OstWestfalenLippe and Südwestfalen.

Young people are our future. But how can we better involve young people in the political processes of the regions, motivate them to stay local and help shape the regions? The three Westphalian regions of Münsterland, OstWestfalenLippe and Südwestfalen have now found answers to these questions: Thanks to a jointly conducted youth study in which almost 800 young people had their say. The results are now available - analysed, processed and placed in the larger context in a detailed brochure.

"The regions in Westphalia are similar in many respects. So it makes sense to pool knowledge and resources in order to seek and find new insights and solutions for comparable challenges. Last but not least, our common word thus also gains weight vis-à-vis third parties," emphasises Klaus Ehling, board member of Münsterland e.V. Together, the three Westphalian regions therefore commissioned the youth study in summer 2019. First, they had 779 people from OstWestfalenLippe, Südwestfalen and Münsterland surveyed online. Based on this, an additional 18 boys and girls had their say again in person at the beginning of 2020. "In this way, we wanted to focus on this important target group together and pave the way for their needs to be integrated even more strongly into the developments of the regions. After all, our regions will only be fit for the future if political decision-makers are aware of precisely these needs of young people, take them into account and give them a say," adds Ehling.

On the one hand, the youth study makes many positive aspects clear. According to it, young people feel comfortable in their home region and are strongly connected to it through family, friends and clubs. If at all possible, they want to stay and live their adult lives here - preferably in a single-family house with a large garden and in a medium-sized town.

On the other hand, the young people feel that, among other things, the provision of local public transport is in need of improvement. They would like to see more reliable and cheaper services. They also appreciate short and climate-friendly routes, especially on the way to work.

Young people are optimistic about their professional future. They trust in having a choice between different jobs in the region. More important to them than a career and a high income, however, is that they still have time for family and hobbies in addition to work.
Most young people are relaxed about leaving the region for a period of training or study. Many of them see it as an opportunity to gain new impressions and then return to their region all the happier. After all, social contact is important to them. Even as adults, they want to be close to their parents, siblings and friends. They would only leave the region if their partner was at home somewhere else.

In summary, the youth study makes clear what moves young people in Westphalia, where the shoe pinches and what the regions can build on. The three regional managements Münsterland e.V., OstWestfalenLippe GmbH and Südwestfalen Agentur GmbH now want to use the results as a starting point to enter into a constant dialogue and exchange with young people. They want to support them in making their voices heard and giving them more weight, and to build up topic and project-related cooperation in this regard.

Dr. Kai Zwicker, District Administrator of the Borken district and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Münsterland e.V., emphasises: "Young people feel at home in Münsterland and want to remain loyal to the region in the future - if the framework conditions are right. The indications from the youth study are an incentive for us to focus even more on the target group of young people, which is so important for our region. Because we still have a lot to do with regard to topics such as mobility, housing or career prospects. In many important areas of life, we are already on the right track and will expand our commitment even further in the future."

Further information on the youth study and the brochure with the results are now available for download at .

The brochure for download

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