Maitremse Borken | Custom | Event in Münsterland
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The Maitremse on the market square in Borken
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
An old neighbourhood custom
May brake in Borken

Maitremse in Borken

Tremse - this is the name of a special neighbourhood custom that has apparently only survived in Borken. Originally, the former children's festival was organised by children themselves. Today, with the participation of adults, it has developed into more of a street festival: On an afternoon before 1 May or at the beginning of the month, neighbourhoods play, sing and snack together. And the grown-ups can also chat and have fun over coffee and home-made cakes. Those who do not live in Borken can still experience the spectacle: Every year at the end of April, the Heimatverein Borken e.V. organises a Tremsen celebration on Borken's market square (directly opposite the FARB), which it sees as the kick-off event for the actual Maitremse.

By the way, the word "Tremse" also refers to the colourful shapes that hang over the streets at the end of April and in May: Bell-shaped figures made of a wire frame decorated with garlands, fans and flags as well as long egg chains.

On the history of the Maitremse

In the first half of the last century, the organisation of the Tremse was almost exclusively in the hands of the oldest school-age girls. The money needed to finance the celebration came from a street collection in the neighbourhood. This money was then used to buy cakes and cocoa. Meanwhile, the boys took care of cutting and erecting a maypole.

Where the Tremse came from and when the celebration originated is not exactly known. But it was celebrated in various forms a long time ago in other places like Dülmen or Ramsdorf. Of course, today's Maitremse is different from the one back then. It is no longer financed by street collections or organised by children. And the shape of the colourful Tremse is also different today. You can find more information about the history here.

Map | Borken

Places of interest in Borken


The MünsterlandBlog

Kick-off event for the Maitremse in Borken Kick-off event for the Maitremse in Borken
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
We tested the Maitremse kick-off event for you

Our colleague Victoria was on site in Borken and took a closer look at the event. In her article on the MünsterlandBlog, she not only describes in detail what she experienced here, but also deals with the topic of customs in general.

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