Prinzipalmarkt - Sightseeing and shopping in Münster
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The Prinzipalmarkt in Münster
© Münsterland e.V. / Philipp Fölting
Münster's "Good Parlour

Prinzipalmarkt | Münster's "good parlour

The Prinzipalmarkt in Münster is the city's landmark par excellence: with its characteristic gabled houses and archways, the square forms Münster's traditional economic and political centre, where yesterday and today are impressively linked. The main features of Prinzipalmarkt, also known as Münster's "parlour", were built in the 12th and 13th centuries. The different architectural styles of the houses, the countless arches, columns and gables tell very vividly of the city's eventful history: of the Middle Ages, the Hanseatic League and the old merchant families, some of whom still go about their business here.

Rich in tradition and worth preserving

During the Second World War, most of the buildings were destroyed down to the foundation walls. With great commitment, the people of Münster then set about rebuilding. With historical awareness, the plot layout was retained, original design elements and the old materials were reused. And even though some of the buildings look considerably different today than they did before the war, Prinzipalmarkt has long been a listed building.

Stroll and enjoy

Today, a large part of Münster's city life takes place on Prinzipalmarkt: State guests are received and large festivities are celebrated in the historic town hall with its Peace Hall, which is also part of Prinzipalmarkt. Numerous exclusive shops and traditional restaurants also characterise Prinzipalmarkt: this is where people stroll, shop and enjoy life. Pure city flair!

Map | Prinzipalmarkt

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