Events in Neuenkirchen. Events and dates at a glance.
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Neuenkirchen in the Münsterland
© Münsterland e.V./Kai Marc Pel
The community by the lake

Events in Neuenkirchen

Classic car fans have been coming to Neuenkirchen for the "Motor Classics" for a long time. But there are many other good reasons to visit Neuenkirchen. Whether it's concerts, cabaret or one of the seasonal markets - Neuenkirchen is always worth a stop. For example, there is the Neuenkirchen Spring, the Pumpkin Festival or the Neuenkirchen Sterntaler Market.

If you want to see more events, also from the surrounding area, simply change the radius or expand the search date.

6 Matches.
Wednesday action at the Wettringen local history centre Coffee & cake with creative exhibitors
21.02.2024, 14:00 18.12.2024, 17:30
Homeland House Wettringen, Wettringen
Organiser: Verkehrsverein Wettringen e.V.

Every Wednesday afternoon you can visit various artists, creative people and exhibitors in the Heimathaus. Enjoy coffee and homemade cakes. You can reserve a table for yourself and your loved ones in the Heimathaus or on the Aa Terrace 02557-929676 Wettringen Tourist Office.

From time to time a knife grinder is on site. You can have your knives, scissors, scissors or .... sharpened and enjoy a coffee in the Heimathaus.

Organise an excursion, a bike ride or a walk to the Heimathaus.

21.02.2024, 14:00 18.12.2024, 17:30
Opening hours
Öffnungszeiten vom 21.02.2024 to 18.12.2024
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
    14:00 Uhr bis 17:15 Uhr
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

Jeden Mittwochnachmittag im Heimathaus Wettringen - Kaffee und Kuchenbuffet . 

Wir freuen uns auf ihren Besuch. Gerne mit Reservierung. 

Mittwochnachmittagsaktion am Heimathaus
  • Eintritt frei: 0
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Villa Live Open Air 2024 "Felice & Cortes"
18.07.2024, 18:00 18.07.2024, ca.23:00
Villa Hecking, Neuenkirchen
Organiser: Gemeinde Neuenkirchen

The duo Felice and Cortes present their two outdoor shows "Selling Stories" and "Bus Stop Stories" in the Villa Hecking park, offering a fantastic programme for the whole family!

There are musicians who can sweep you off your feet and make your heart beat faster. There are artists who amaze you so much that your mouth is left open. There are stories that are not only told

but that take their audience into another world. And then there are artists who manage to do all this at once. Like Felice & Cortes, the Berlin duo that combines music with artistry to create a unique mix.

Selling Stories:

This extraordinary street show has been acclaimed across Europe & in America. The audience holds its breath! Cortes Young juggles the drums while Felice, the soulful singer-songwriter, conjures up goose bumps with her wonderful soul voice.

They tell the magical story of two travellers who collect stories and tell them in other places, for other people, with the help of music, show and artistry. Felice & Cortes also impress with their acting talent, funny anecdotes and the little rat hand puppet Tom. With their drum platform on wheels and a small self-built backdrop, the duo is a real eye-catcher.

Bus Stop Stories:

Bus driver Cortes and street musician Felice meet during a spectacular bus breakdown. The stories of the passengers, the city and passers-by are told. The audience experiences the school crossing guard with a virtuoso trowel juggling act, a zebra crossing dance, funny bus conversations, the night bus with drums on the upper deck and much more. Felice & Cortes enchant their audience in their very special way with their new and now 3rd show. The thoroughly unique elements of music, show and artistry are combined to create an unforgettable experience. Playing their way into people's hearts with breathtaking artistry, touching music and unique show elements & special effects has been the duo's speciality for years! An unforgettable experience for the whole family!

18.07.2024, 18:00 18.07.2024, ca.23:00
  • Kinder (8-12 Jahre): 6
  • Jugendliche (13-17 Jahre): 12
  • Erwachsene: 25
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Villa Live Open Air 2024 "Jupiter Jones"
19.07.2024, 18:00 19.07.2024, ca.23:00
Villa Hecking, Neuenkirchen
Organiser: Gemeinde Neuenkirchen

"What's up, Jupiter Jones?

There's a lot going on, dear questioner. There's absolutely no reason to get tired in year four after the reunion. More goals, big plans, new music needs to be written and recorded, there's a future to be had and we're going to make it beautiful. But that also means reflecting on 22 years of JJ, five albums together, endless live shows and the desire to make even more of it. So we put on our comfy trousers again, stuff a bumpy bus of our choice full of instruments and drive to where the people with cans of beer glimmer wave friendly and sing along loudly. Woe betide you if they don't!
There's so much to sing along to! A whole retrospective, so to speak, somehow a whole life. Songs from back then, songs from now. How beautiful! All this brought to the stage by five people who, if it wasn't such a stupid word, would be described as 'energetic'. Five people who are looking forward to seeing you and will do their best to make your summer a little more beautiful, louder and quieter.

Just Jupiter Jones. It's going to be great, if you ask me!"

JUPITER JONES was founded in 2002 at a garden party in the Eifel. Nobody could have guessed that nine years later they would have their breakthrough with their song "Still" and even win an Echo award. The fact that this award was justified is still evident today: "Still" is still playing on the radio and the song is often used as a soundtrack on TikTok.

After JUPITER JONES announced their dissolution in 2017, there was radio silence for 5 years. In 2021 - in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic - the two band founders Sascha and Nicholas celebrated their comeback. They started making music again and released new singles.

With their current album "Die Sonne ist ein Zwergstern" (released 31.12.22), JUPITER JONES bridge the gap between the punk from the old days of twenty years ago and the pop from their more recent albums. In doing so, they create a blend of both that doesn't bother with adhering to any genre dogmas and isn't afraid to pack uncomfortable topics into more comfortable sounds and words. Because pop doesn't stop where normativity finds its limits.

19.07.2024, 18:00 19.07.2024, ca.23:00
  • Jugendliche (12-18 Jahre): 25
  • Erwachsene: 36
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Villa Live Open Air 2024 "BAROCK - the AC/DC Tribute Show"
20.07.2024, 18:00 20.07.2024, ca.23:00
Villa Hecking, Neuenkirchen
Organiser: Gemeinde Neuenkirchen

Eight cannons, oversized "Hells Bells", 60 Marshall speakers

Ultimate AC/DC tribute band BAROCK on tour in Germany with a spectacular (mega) production

(thk) AC/DC tribute act BAROCK, who play in a top class of their own, have further upgraded their visuals for various XXL shows on their 2023/2024 tour. The mega production, transported in a 40-tonne truck: the sonorous Mega Hells Bell, cannons, flamethrowers, pyrotechnics, confetti machine, instruments, stage technology including over 60 Marshall speakers. The latter generate a volume of between 110 and 120 dB (almost equivalent to that of a jet aeroplane taking off)! The five professional musicians have good reasons for this gigantic technical effort: On the one hand, to convey the powerful hard rock sound of the original with maximum power and thus be on a par with the Australians, and on the other, to further consolidate their exceptional status as the best, because absolutely accurate AC/DC interpreters. Their singer, who is very similar to Brian Johnson vocally, plays a significant part in the deceptively genuine overall impression. So if you want to experience "Highway to Hell" or "T.N.T.", "Thunderstruck", "Hells Bells", "For Those About to Rock", "Back in Black" and other hits from the Aussie forge authentically live, there is no alternative to BAROCK! Tickets for one of their two-hour full-power performances, which are an unrivalled audience attraction, cost between 25 and 50 euros (plus fees) in advance.

BAROCK have played over 650 concerts in Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and Switzerland since their foundation as a tribute act in 1993. Up to three dozen more dates are added every year. The fan base is constantly growing and concert critics also praise the quintet to the skies, attesting to their top class, close proximity to the original as well as absolute authenticity and attention to detail. This starts with the stage set-up, continues with the instruments used, a note-perfect interpretation and extends to the special effects used (depending on the possibilities of the venue) such as light, lightning and thunder. With so many consistently positive references and an outstanding reputation, Bastei-Lübbe Verlag engaged the Italian-German group for the soundtrack of its AC/DC audio book. Its title also fits perfectly with their own loud, energetic, sweat-inducing shows: "Maximum Rock'n'Roll"!

20.07.2024, 18:00 20.07.2024, ca.23:00
  • normal: 42
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Friedrich Rau "Let's swing a little" Friedrich Rau "Let's swing a little"
02.10.2024, 19:00 02.10.2024, ca.22:00
Mensa Neuenkirchen, Neuenkirchen
Organiser: Gemeinde Neuenkirchen

If singer-songwriter Friedrich Rau has his way, 2024 will be a year full of swing, electro and lightness. Because for Friedrich Rau, SWINGING is not just a style of music, but a way of life. This is where witty, charming lyrics and melodies meet loops and house beats. Friedrich Rau transports the wild lightness and fire of the 1920s into the present day and mixes the passionate style of the "golden 20s" with today's technical and sonic possibilities to create a new, fresh sound. The drive of a jazz band is combined with the vibration of thick bass and electro beats - German-language electro swing as you have never heard it before: No swinging techno, but real swing, the way it would sound if it had been invented today.

02.10.2024, 19:00 02.10.2024, ca.22:00
  • normal: 25
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Frank Sauer "Adam and Eve would have been better off barbecuing the snake" Frank Sauer "Adam and Eve would have been better off barbecuing the snake"
11.10.2024, 19:00 11.10.2024, ca.22:00
Mensa Neuenkirchen, Neuenkirchen
Organiser: Gemeinde Neuenkirchen

Man, woman, apple. That's the threesome with which the story begins. Unfortunately. Because what would we not have been spared if it hadn't been for that stupid thing with the snake! But Adam and Eve, the forerunners of all marriages, long-term relationships and day-part relationships, had to allow themselves to be seduced.

They were thrown out of paradise and that's where we are today - paradise barricaded. And so, to this day, men and women have to deal with misunderstandings, jealousy, problem discussions AE A3 3mm reduced and separation seminars, i.e. all the "pleasures" that relationship life has to offer.

The modern relationship is open and emotionally flexible. From hormone-fuelled love affairs to marriage out of calculation: some marry at the age of 18, not out of love, but because spouses are allowed to copy each other's work in class. Others stay together despite breaking up because there is a minimum order value at the pizza parlour.

And let's be honest: how is it with you? Which sentence gives you more pleasure? "I love you" or "We'll open till 2 for you"? Because being in a relationship means sharing worries that you wouldn't have had on your own. A typical lose-lose situation. But it's also associated with these enchanting feelings.

Frank Sauer's inimitable blend of humour and depth once again peeks out cheekily from under the duvet. He digs deep into the relationship jungle of chivalry and gender stars, lovesickness, break-up tips and species-appropriate male behaviour. And at the end, he sits on the tree of knowledge, giggling and summarising: If God baked Adam and Eve out of clay and then breathed the divine breath into them, then man is - puff cake.

11.10.2024, 19:00 11.10.2024, ca.22:00
  • normal: 15
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Market days in Neuenkirchen

Vegetables and fruit fresh from the field, meat products from the region, fragrant baked goods straight from the oven, colourful seasonal flowers and mysterious spices from all over the world. The weekly markets in Münsterland invite you to"open-air shopping" and yet are far more than mere sales places. This is where locals and visitors meet, the latest news is exchanged and there is time for a chat among friends.

Visit the weekly market in Neuenkirchen:

  • Friday: 8.00 - 12.30 (except public holidays)
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