Cycling in Senden | Cycling routes and cycle paths
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Senden in the Münsterland
© Münsterland e.V./Sebastian Lehrke
Where moor and castle are at home

Cycling in Senden

In Senden you can go on a grand castle tour by bike, simply discover the lovely countryside or comfortably cycle to the many sights of Münster. Boredom should therefore be a foreign word during your cycling holiday in Senden. The castles Nordkirchen and Westerwinkel, the castles of Vischering and Hülshoff and, last but not least, Münster Castle are among the most famous buildings in Münsterland. Between these outstanding sights, the Münsterland park landscape spreads out with fields, small forests and ramparts.

There are several cycle routes leading to Münster, so you can also do a circular route. You should start your sightseeing tour of Münster at Prinzipalmarkt - and then just let yourself drift.

Sending in the Münsterland cycling region

4,500 km of signposted cycle paths criss-cross the Münsterland region. Senden can also be reached via the practical junction system. With the junction system, you can easily put together your favourite route with a few numbers.

  • Senden is located at junction 64.

Themed routes in Senden

Rent e-bikes

You have a lot to transport on your bike tour? Then an e-bike could be just the thing for you. The municipality of Senden now offers e-bikes for hire. The cost is one euro per hour.

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