Podcast "SO OR SO - your Münsterland" | Special Places
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Podcast "SO OR SO - your Münsterland"
© Münsterland e.V./Christoph Steinweg/luxteufelswild
The Podcast

Podcast "So or so - your Münsterland"

The podcast SO OR SO - your Münsterland
© Münsterland e.V./Christoph Steinweg/luxteufelswild

"SO OR SO - your Münsterland". The podcast from the most beautiful region in Germany - presented by Münsterland e.V. Discover with us in the podcast THE GOOD LIFE between country idyll and city flair: the people, their stories and their love for the region. Experience the region briefly and compactly anew and be inspired. Münsterland reporter Dennis Burk takes us to exciting places. Are you ready for an acoustic micro-adventure?

You can also find the podcast on all popular platforms, such as Spotify, Podigee, Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts or Deezer.

Episode 12: The Westphalian State Stud in Warendorf

Horses are simply part of the Münsterland - this is particularly evident at the North Rhine-Westphalian State Stud in Warendorf, the horse capital. It is the centre in NRW when it comes to breeding and equestrian sports. 100 horses are housed here in the historic stables. The 80 employees take care of their daily well-being. Trainees also share the fascination for horses here. We talk about their daily routine in the current podcast episode and learn a lot of interesting facts about the Warendorf State Stud.

More on the topic

Link list | The actors in the podcast

Do you feel like looking over the horses' shoulders and exploring the State Stud, just like in the podcast? Are you tempted by a trip to the horse town of Warendorf? Then find out more on the following pages and put together your own Warendorf experience:

Episode 11: Türmerstube St. Lambertikirche Münster

When a horn sounds from Münster's St. Lamberti Church in the evening between 9 p.m. and 0 a.m. and people on Prinzipalmarkt wonder what it could be - then Martje Saljé is responsible for it. Saljé is a watchman and watches over Münster's rooftops every evening. She keeps an eye out for fires or enemies. There has been a Türmer in Münster since the 14th century. Since 2014, Saljé has been a woman at the helm for the first time. The public is not allowed to enter her turret room. But for the "SO OR SO" podcast, the Türmerin of Münster has made an exception. She takes us up the 300 steps, shows us her ten-square-metre kingdom and tells us about her work. But the history and rituals of a Türmerin are not to be missed either. And there is still time for the Türmer song. It is already clear that this is a special episode.

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Episode 10: Marck House

Idyllically situated in a valley meadow near Tecklenburg is the moated castle Haus Marck. A manor house that was first mentioned in the 14th century as the seat of the von Horne family. A truly historic place. For it was here that the preliminary negotiations for the Peace of Westphalia took place after the 30 Years' War. Haus Marck has been inhabited by the von Diepenbroick-Grüter family for 200 years. During guided tours, wedding ceremonies and concerts, the public can immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the historic moated castle: private collections of the family members - for example, pickelhauben from the imperial era or the wonderful Knights' Hall, with its numerous portraits, where the von Diepenbroick family also celebrates private occasions. Hostess Ricarda von Diepenbroick takes the listeners of the "SO OR SO" podcast on an exclusive tour. Go on an acoustic tour through the special property and discover sides of the house that otherwise remain closed.

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Tecklenburg in the Münsterland Tecklenburg in the Münsterland
© Münsterland e.V. / Daniel Merbeck

Episode 9: The TextilWerk in Bocholt

Like no other museum, the Bocholt Textile Works tells the textile history of the Münsterland region. The spinning mill building is a real eye-catcher even from a distance: it is an exciting mix of historical architectural style and modern accents. Inside, visitors can expect a variety of special exhibitions, but also a permanent exhibition on the process of cotton spinning. Old spinning machines and devotional objects can be admired and explanatory videos explain the background. Strolling through the floors supported by old steel pillars is an immersion in the industrial culture of times gone by. And if you like it noisy, drop by the neighbouring weaving mill. There, trained weavers demonstrate how old and new looms work. A visit to the Skylounge or the adventure playground rounds off the excursion to the kubaai quarter. Our "SO OR SO" journey of discovery can begin.

More on the topic

Episode 7: Farm shops in Münsterland

Farms have shaped the landscape in Münsterland for centuries. In the meantime, they have become more than just farms. Many farms show what farming is all about with direct marketing: strawberries and asparagus or a delicious cake straight from the farm café. Many farms are a real culinary insider tip and at the same time a place to experience - for young and old.

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More on the topic

Have you got the urge to explore the farm shops in Münsterland just like in the podcast and take a trip to jam, fruit and vegetables, liqueur and cakes? Then find out more on the following pages and put together your own farm shop experience in Münsterland:

Episode 7: The Open Local History Museum Billerbeck

If you drive to Billerbeck, you can see the two towers of the cathedral from far away. It is the centre of the town. But there is still more to discover: The Kolvenburg, for example, a complex from the early Renaissance. Today it is not only a popular place to get married, but also a place to explore and picnic. The Johannikirchplatz is also surprising: the houses around the Johannikirche stand like a wagon fortress. Here you can enjoy a coffee or take a look at the beautiful Johannikirche. A place to relax. By the way, both places have been included in the "Open Local History Museum" Billerbeck.

Episode 6: The Weseker Heimathaus

Living history in an impressive ensemble: the grounds around the Wesek Heimathaus are unparalleled in Münsterland. Old houses, Münsterland and Westphalian traditions, an apothecary garden with its many plant species or old agricultural machinery. Anyone who comes to the Borken district will be surprised at what there is to marvel at. And at the same time, you can simply switch off or be active here: playground, Kneipp basin, exercise equipment - it's all there! The area around the Wesek Heimathaus is a pearl in Münsterland.

Episode 5: The colliery in Ahlen

When Peter Przyluczky from Ahlen told people on holiday that he was a miner, they usually looked at him askance. Because coal mining and the Münsterland - in the eyes of many outsiders, that doesn't go together at all. Yet coal was mined in Ahlen until the year 2000. Today, the Westfalen colliery is an exciting place to learn about industrial culture - combined with leisure and nature experiences, for example a climb to the summit including a summit cross ...

More about Ahlen

Episode 4: The Steverauen in Olfen

Rafting in the Münsterland? Possible! On the Stever near Olfen. Guests experience a piece of untouched nature on the electric raft "Antonia". Here the Steverauen show their most beautiful side: grazing horses and cattle, Canadian goose colonies, kingfishers and storks. But architecture is not neglected either: the sight of the three-arch bridge "Alte Fahrt" is a real experience. The Steverauen are an ideal recreational area and at the same time a superlative nature experience in the middle of Münsterland.

Episode 3: The Port of Münster

If you long for water and harbour idylls, this is the place to be. Münster's harbour pulsates with the city's urban and Mediterranean life: chic cafés and restaurants directly on the harbour promenade are popular meeting places. But there is more to it than just eating, drinking and strolling. The harbour area has much more to offer: History and industrial culture, theatre and art, cinema and a show dairy. Or simply sit on the water's edge, unwind and watch rowers do their sport. Pure relaxation - in the middle of Münster!

More about Münster

Münster city centre Münster city centre
© Münster Marketing/Dagmar Schwelle

Episode 2: The Stromberg Castle Ruin in Oelde

Look, play, experience, pray, relax, enjoy. Anyone who visits the Stromberg castle ruins in Oelde will quickly realise: Here you can do simply everything. On a hill in the Beckum mountains, visitors immerse themselves in another world. Historical buildings and the Kreuzkirche church impress at first sight. Even the view into the far distance is no problem here - the view reaches all the way to the Sauerland. A large meadow is also suitable for a small round of football or a delicious picnic. The Stromberg castle ruins in Oelde - an ideal excursion destination for the whole family.

Tip for a short holiday in Oelde

Your MünsterLand Moment
24 hours around Oelde
Learn more...

Episode 1: The Ems in Rheine

Sport and nature in the midst of urban life - this is written large in Rheine on the Ems. The new trend sport of stand-up paddling is a must in the largest city in the northern Münsterland region. Here, guests and locals get to know Rheine and the surrounding area in a new way from the water. And if the wonderful nature is not enough for you, you can enjoy delicious cocktails or a delicious daily brunch at the newly redesigned Emssteg: Emsflair with a difference! Listen in now:

Video | Stand-up Paddling on the River Ems

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More about Rheine

In addition to stand-up paddling, the Emsstadt Rheine offers you many other ways to enjoy your free time and THE GOOD LIFE: a trip to the nature zoo, a breath of salty air in the Salinenpark or a few quiet moments at the beautiful Bentlage Monastery. In addition, there are many events and activities that make the city colourful and lively.

Link list: The players in the podcast

You want to do it just like in the podcast and experience a day with stand-up paddling, brunch and city flair? Then take a look at the providers' pages and put together your own individual Rheine experience:

The "SO OR SO" podcast author

Dennis Burk Dennis Burk
© Nikola Nickl

"Radio is cinema in the head - has been my motto for over 20 years! Growing up in Siegen, I moved to Münsterland in 2006 to present on the radio for many years. In those eight years I learned to appreciate and love the region. After my Bavarian exile, I came back in 2020 and continue with radio and television where I left off back then: Enjoying my adopted home! And because there are still so many unknown places here, I want to go on an acoustic discovery tour with you."

Dennis Burk, long-time radio presenter and journalist

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