Fireplace Picnic House Vortlage | 23 February 2023
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© Münsterland e.V._Meike Reiners
Fireplace Picnic House Vortlage
23 February 2023

Fireside picnic in the art café

In the midst of Lengerich's unspoilt countryside lies Haus Vortlage, mysterious and surrounded by moats. A listed moated castle and former knight's estate with a new stylish art café. A place to relax and feel good. The art café offers a cosy yet rustic atmosphere with an old small stove in the middle of the room. A great place that was ideally suited for gathering in convivial company for a heart-warming reading at a fireside picnic in February 2023. The reading about Münsterland luck was accompanied by mystical, Westphalian ballad singing.

Gudrun Gunia Gudrun Gunia
© G.Babetzky
Pieces of heart in Münsterland in word and sound!

The guests were able to enjoy this cultural programme:

  • Presentation of the book "Herzstücke im Münsterland - Besonderes abseits der bekannten Wege entdecken": 100 places and phenomena across all 4 Münsterland districts and the city of Münster.
  • Reading of individual sections, anecdotes and special Münsterland luck stories alternate with fairytale-like tales of folk tales, myths and songs
  • Musical accompaniment (mystical, Westphalian ballad singing)

These people provided entertainment

  • Gudrun Gunia, musician, storyteller, balladeer
  • Hartwig Homann-Sommerhage, tour guide and speaker
  • Freddy Thalmann (technology)

Based on a concept by the author Marta Latour (stage name of Martje Thalmann, who is also known as the Türmerin von Münster ).


Kunst-Café Haus Vortlage
Vortlager Damm 7
49525 Lengerich

Map | House Vortlage

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