parkleuchten | Steinfurt district | open-air event
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park lights in the Steinfurt district
© Münsterland. e.V./Philipp Fölting
An experience for all the senses
parking lights

parking lights

The popular "parkleuchten" event series has been putting gardens, parks and historic town centres in the Steinfurt district in a very special light for one weekend in August since 2008 - literally!

But it's more than just a light spectacle, it's a sensual multimedia show: the plants, buildings and sculptures at each event location are not only staged with colourful illuminations, but also with music and video installations.

Small and lesser-known places take centre stage. In 2012, for example, the municipality of Metelen celebrated its 1125th anniversary for a whole year and parkleuchten was part of the anniversary programme. In 2016, the town centre of Bevergern, a district of Hörstel, was illuminated to celebrate its 650th anniversary.

The district of Steinfurt organises the series of events together with the association "Das Münsterland - Die Gärten und Parks". It is sponsored by Kreissparkasse Steinfurt.

park lights 2024 in Ochtrup

From 16 to 18 August 2024, the next parkleuchten will take place in the Welbergen district of the town of Ochtrup. And at a fairytale location: Haus Welbergen. In this setting, the buildings, moats and parks of the moated castle shine with spectacular light, video and sound installations in a magical atmosphere. Visitors have probably never experienced the estate like this before. The event area is always open from 7 pm. For families with children, the visit could be a great end to the NRW summer holidays.

Ochtrup Stadtmarketing und Tourismus GmbH is also involved in the organisation this year.

All information, including discounted online pre-sales, will soon be available on the website of the Steinfurt district.

More about Welbergen House

Map | House Welbergen

The MünsterlandBlog

park lights in Rheine park lights in Rheine
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
We have tested parking lights for you

Our colleague Victoria and our colleague Philipp were at the parkleuchten in Rheine City Park in 2022. On the MünsterlandBlog they report on their experiences. The post gives you some valuable tips and reasons why you should definitely visit the event!

Sights in and around Ochtrup

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