Canoe tours on the Berkel | Leisure in Münsterland
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Canoe tours on the Berkel
© Stadtmarketing Vreden GmbH
A limitless pleasure
Canoe tours on the Berkel

Canoe tours on the Berkel

For a long time, the Berkel was an important trade route in the western Münsterland, especially on the Dutch side. The river, which is 110 kilometres long, runs tranquilly through rural Münsterland, past meadows and fields. Some parts of the Berkel still run through its ancient ancestral riverbed. The Berkelauen area is particularly beautiful. After crossing the "blue border", the Berkel widens - with no obstacles for canoeists. Only at high water can a canoe trip on the Berkel become a challenge for inexperienced canoeists, especially at the weirs.

Entry point on the Berkel

The cult in Vreden The cult in Vreden
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting

The pleasant town of Vreden is best known for its cultural centre "Kult" and the flamingos in the Zwillbrocker Venn. With the Berkel, however, the town also offers a beautiful area for canoeists. The canoe tours are almost always "borderless", as the crossing into the Netherlands is only a few paddle strokes away. The Berkel flows leisurely through the green landscape and lets its visitors quickly forget the time. After the paddle tour, the beautiful town centre of Vreden invites you to take a short stroll or a longer break. Enjoy the gastronomic offerings of the town.

Map | Entry points canoe tours Berkel

Protect what is important to us

Closures in April and May

The banks of the Berkel are a sensitive habitat for many animals and plants. In April and May, some parts of the Berkel are closed for nature conservation reasons. Please do not drive in these areas. The Berkel will thank you with many beautiful moments.

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