Canoe tours on the Ems | Leisure in Münsterland
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Canoe tours on the Ems
© Münsterland e.V./Kai Marc Pel
On Germany's smallest river
Canoe tours on the Ems

Canoe tours on the Ems

The Ems is the largest river in Münsterland. In Münsterland, the 371-kilometre-long Ems flows from Warendorf via Emsdetten to Rheine, crossing the beautiful Ems meadows. In many areas, the Ems still flows in its natural riverbed. The Ems, incidentally Germany's smallest river, is considered easy to navigate and offers a wonderful experience of nature. Even beginners will experience real canoeing pleasure on the Ems. Let the landscape pass you by like a film and experience a relaxing day on the water.

In addition to many rural and very natural sections, the Ems also always runs along various inner cities. You should not miss a visit to these towns during a canoe tour. Warendorf and Telgte with their beautiful historic town centres, the lively towns of Emsdetten, Greven and Rheine are more than worth a stopover.

Places of entry on the Ems

Emssee Park Warendorf
© Münsterland e.V./Kai Marc Pel

Warendorf is the first town in the Münsterland region on the way of the Ems towards the north. The historic old town and the NRW State Stud Farm are the town's outstanding sights. Before your canoe trip, you should definitely take a tour of the town. The Ems meadows, which are well worth seeing and protecting, also begin in Warendorf. The boarding point is in the immediate vicinity of the town centre.

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Ems meadows in Telgte
© Münsterland e.V./Sebastian Lehrke

Telgte is perhaps one of the most beautiful places in the Münsterland. The Ems meadows north of Telgte are considered particularly picturesque and idyllic. It is only a few metres from the town centre to the boarding point. Telgte enchants with its beautiful pilgrimage chapel, half-timbered houses and narrow streets. The market square is just the right place to discuss the experience once again in a cosy atmosphere.

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Ems in Greven
© Münsterland e.V./Kai Marc Pel

The banks of the Ems in Greven are the backdrop for numerous events, especially in summer. For you, it is the starting point for a canoe tour on the idyllic Ems. The Ems runs in wide bends through a section that is particularly worthy of protection. And if there is no event on the banks of the Ems, the performances at the open-air theatre will entice you.

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Canoeists in Emsdetten
© Münsterland e.V./Maximilian Lehrke

Emsdetten is a household name among canoeists. You can get on the beautiful Ems in idyllic Emsdetten-Hembergen, for example. Canoeists staying overnight in Emsdetten should not miss one of the frequent events in the Ems Hall. By the way, the protected Ems floodplains can also be explored perfectly by bike in Emsdetten.

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Sun deck in Rheine
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting

Rheine has always been shaped by the Ems. The river flows through the middle of the town and attracts residents and visitors alike. Numerous events, a rich shopping offer and attractive cultural activities make Rheine so popular. Rheine is also popular with canoeists. The Ems flows beautifully northwards without any major currents.

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Protect what we love

For the particularly sensitive natural areas between Telgte and Münster-Gelmer (MS1-ST1) and for the sections between Emsdetten-Sinnigen and Rheine (ST9-ST12), canoe tours on weekends and public holidays between 1 May and 31 October must be registered with the tourist offices in Warendorf, Telgte, Emsdetten, Greven or Rheine. Groups of 11 or more must be accompanied by an ecologically trained tour guide. This can be booked at the tourist offices.

The entire course of the Ems is an important habitat for animals and plants. Please be considerate of nature and use only the designated entrances and exits. Please avoid noise and do not leave any rubbish behind. Please do not walk on the numerous sandbanks. The Ems will thank you with many beautiful experiences.

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You can download the brochure "Canoeing on the Ems" directly here or have it sent to your home conveniently and free of charge. Look here!

Insider tip

Bentlage Monastery on the Ems Bentlage Monastery on the Ems
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
By canoe directly to the monastery

Bentlage Abbey in Rheine is one of the most beautiful and popular destinations in the northern Münsterland. Together with the Salinenpark and the nature zoo , it forms the "Bentlager Dreiklang". There is a landing stage for canoeists directly at the monastery. The monastery is not only the venue for excellent exhibitions and art projects, but also offers a very nice café for a rest.

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