Canoe tours on the Werse | Leisure in Münsterland
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The Werse flows through the Münsterland
© Münsterland e.V./Christoph Partsch
Leisurely through the countryside
Canoe tours on the Werse

Canoe tours on the Werse

In which direction does it flow now? The Werse has a particularly low flow and it is hard to see in which direction it now flows. The solution is quite simple: the Werse rises near Beckum and flows via Ahlen and Drensteinfurt to Münster. Behind Münster, the 67-kilometre-long Werse flows into the Ems. The idyllic river is ideal for canoeing novices and group tours. In normal conditions, the Werse can even be navigated in both directions without much effort.

The entry point for the popular Werse at Pleistermühle is also a very popular destination for cyclists. At the second entry point in Münster-Angelmodde you have a wide choice of different boats, including large canoes for up to eleven people.

Entry point on the Werse

Minster Old Town Minster Old Town
© Münsterland e.V./Kommwirmachendaseinfach

Münster is not one of the most liveable cities in the world for nothing. In addition to the countless sights, such as the Prinizpalmarkt, the historic town hall and the Friedenssaal, and an extremely lively cultural and museum scene, it is the many recreational opportunities that make Münster so popular. These include the many cycle paths and the canoeing opportunities on the Werse. Both stations are located east of Münster in idyllic surroundings and can easily be reached by bicycle. This makes it easy to combine a canoe trip with a nice cycle tour. Despite the many canoes in stock, it makes sense to book in advance, especially at weekends.

Map | Places of entry on the Werse

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