Teutoschleife Bevergerner Pättken | Hiking in Münsterland
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Teuto Loop Bevergerner Pättken
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Hiking between bridges and canals
Teuto Loop Bevergerner Pättken

Teuto Loop Bevergerner Pättken

Water is the dominant element on a hike along the Bevergerner Pättken. The 7-kilometre premium trail starts at the lock in Bevergern. Here, at the "Wet Triangle", the Mittelland Canal and the Dortmund-Ems Canal meet. The ships sail leisurely along the blue ribbon of canals towards their destinations. Spend some time here: at the intersection of two important waterways, watch the large barges overcome the 10-metre difference in height in the 163-metre-long lock.

During the hike, you will be offered beautiful views of the canal again and again, which you will follow for a long time on the paths along the banks. First you hike along the north bank of the Dortmund-Ems Canal, where there are usually many ships. After crossing the canal, you now follow the southern bank. A loop leads you from the canal into the centre of Bevergern. Finally, you will reach"Levedags Mühle" - a former oil and fulling mill.

The signposted hiking trail now leads you back to the south bank of the canal, which you cross with the historicbridge "Bergeshöveder Steg". You are now directly at the "Wet Triangle" again and follow the Mittelland Canal for a short distance. The hiking trail finally leads west through a beautiful forest area before you reach the starting point.

Teutoschleife Bevergerner Pättken at a glance

  • 7 km
  • Circuit
  • easy
  • 83 m
  • 83 m
  • signposted
  • approx. 2 hours
  • Nature/Canal
  • "At the lock
  • Hörstel

Map | Bevergerner Pättken

Teutoschleife Bevergerner Pättken Insider Tip

Culture in view - Gravenhorst Monastery Culture in view - Gravenhorst Monastery
© Münsterland e.V. / Philipp Fölting
In good neighbourhood to the Gravenhorst Monastery

Only a few metres away from your hiking trail is the interesting Gravenhorst Monastery. Over the years, the monastery has become a cultural centre that attracts visitors not only from the Münsterland region. With exhibitions worth seeing, exciting art projects and entertaining events, the public has been enthralled for years. And when there is not much happening at Gravenhorst Monastery, it is a wonderful place of tranquillity.

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The MünsterlandBlog

On the Bevergerner Pättken On the Bevergerner Pättken
© Münsterland e.V.
We have tested the Bevergerner Pättken hiking trail for you

The sun is shining and the colourful leaves are falling from the trees: the perfect autumn weather for a little hike. Our colleague Victoria thought so too. Together with her mother, she walked along the Bevergerner Pättken. Find out what they discovered on their walk and what tips they have for you on the MünsterlandBlog.

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