Teutoschleife Sloopsteener Seerunde | Hiking Trail in Münsterland
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The Sloopsteener Seerunde leads around the idyllic and beautiful Niedrighaussee.
© Tecklenburger Land Tourismus e.V. / Markus Balkow
Imposing rocks and Nordic flair
Teutoschleife Sloopsteener Seerunde

Teutoschleife Sloopsteener Seerunde

Nordic flair meets Westphalia's largest megalithic to mb - these and other highlights await you on the Teutoschleife Sloopsteener Seerunde near Westerkappeln and Lotte. Put on your hiking boots and off you go. Immediately after the start at the car park on the Sloopsteinweg, the cultural eponym of this hiking trail comes to the fore: the Sloopsteene. Those who lived here 4,000 years ago probably found their final resting place under the mighty boulders.

The trail continues through beautiful forest passages, past venerable beech and oak trees and along idyllic lakeside paths around the glittering blue Niedrighaussee. Finally, you land on a real sandy beach that invites you to linger and dream. Sand between your toes, a spicy scent of pine trees in your nose - as if you were in Scandinavia.

Gently, the Sloopsteener Seerunde leads you back into the local forest, which at times provides a majestic hall character for high spirits. The 6.7-kilometre route ends between the edge of the forest and meadows with beautiful views.

Teutoschleife Sloopsteener Seerunde at a glance

  • 6.7 km
  • Circuit
  • easy
  • 91 m
  • 56 m
  • signposted
  • approx. 1.5 hours
  • Nature
  • On the Sloopsteinweg
  • Westerkappeln
  • Lotte

Map | Teutoschleife Sloopsteener Seerunde

Teutoschleife Sloopsteener Seerunde | Info about the Sloopsteenen

The megalithic tombs near Wersen in Lotte. The megalithic tombs near Wersen in Lotte.
© Tecklenburger Land Tourismus e.V. / Poller Todt
Cultural highlight: megalithic tombs near Wersen

The Sloopsteene is one of the most beautiful and best-preserved megalithic tombs in Westphalia. At around 24 x 8 metres, the monument is also one of the largest prehistoric cultural sites in NRW. Whether it is a single grave, clan grave or cemetery from the Neolithic period? That is not known. Graves of this kind were used as burial sites for several generations between 3500 and 2800 BC. They are found in northern Europe: from the Netherlands to Denmark and Sweden, east to Poland and southeast to Saxony-Anhalt.

Sights around the Sloopsteene

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