App Castles and Palaces Region Münsterland
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Discover the castles of the Münsterland in the app
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
The Münsterland castles and palaces region
In the app

App Castles and Palaces Region Münsterland

Experience the Münsterland palaces and castles region digitally, playfully and intuitively - with the "Münsterland Palaces and Castles Region" app. With this digital guide, you can get to know the region and its historic properties from a new perspective.

The app offers cool AR features, lovingly designed mini-games, exciting audio journeys and hand-picked tips about your favourite castles - and those that are yet to come. They will accompany you before or during your journey through the Münsterland.

And what's the most authentic way to explore the region? By bike, of course! A castle on the right, a castle on the left and a view straight ahead over the queen of cycle routes: the 100 Castles Route.

More than 100 castles, fortresses, manor houses, estates, monasteries and aristocratic residences await you here. Four different colours in the app show you at a glance whether you can explore the castle from the inside or whether it is a private home that would rather be experienced from a distance. With this app, you can open many doors that would otherwise remain closed - and your journey through the castles and palaces region will become something very special. True to the region's motto: MÜNSTERLAND. THE GOOD LIFE.

Got curious? Then download it directly here:

About the development of the app

The app was developed under the leadership of Münsterland e.V. together with the technical and creative partner fluxguide.

It was financed by the ERDF funding project "Münsterland Castles and Palaces Region", with which Münsterland e.V., together with the Münsterland districts and the city of Münster, has realised numerous measures to strengthen the region over four years.

The MünsterlandBlog

Our colleague Christine Our colleague Christine
© Münsterland e.V./luxteufelswild
We have tested the app for you

Want to find out more about the app? In her article on the MünsterlandBlog, our colleague Christine not only gives you an honest look behind the scenes of the app creation, but also introduces you to her five favourite features. How did the idea for the app come about? What was the aim of the app? These and other questions are answered here!

Further information about the castles

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