Velen Zoo | Gardens and Parks in Münsterland
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Velen Zoo
© Münsterland e.V./ Philipp Fölting
Romantic park
Velen Park

Velen Park

Old trees, idyllic paths and streams, a magnificent castle on the edge - with these views, the Velen Historical Zoo is definitely one of the most beautiful parks in Münsterland. You can still see many traces of the past in the wooded area in the town of Velen today. During the Baroque period, the site served as an artificial hunting ground for noblemen. Some boundary walls with ditches to prevent game from running off have been preserved to this day.

From hunting ground to local recreation area

Pheasants are no longer hunted here. The 55-hectare woodland is now accessible to everyone and serves as a local recreation area where you can go for a walk, cycle, hike and enjoy nature. The Velen Castle, whose castle park adjoins the zoo, is of course also worth a stopover. There are also animals to see, including deer, hares, rabbits and ducks. You can also find out more about the exciting history of the baroque garden at several info points.

A look into baroque history

You can still see the "aristocratic" past of the zoo today. There is a forester's lodge, a pheasantry and an orangery in the park. The latter was built according to plans by the famous baroque architect Johann Conrad Schlaun. He also had a hand in the park itself, of course.

The Fasanerie is now used as a registry office and as a popular, extremely rustic and noble gastronomic location. An unusually designed holiday flat is available for rent in the forester's lodge.

Map | Velen Park

4 tips for the Velen Park

  • The best way to explore the most beautiful parts of Westmünsterland is by bike. The 100-Schlösser-Route crosses at the Tiergarten, the Naturpark Hohe Mark Route and the Flamingoroute.
  • Groups who want to learn more about the forest can book a Walderlebnisführung with forester Andreas Janson.
  • The Tourist-Info, only a few metres away from Velen Castle, provides you with information about Velen and the surrounding area.
  • The castle park and zoo show their very special charm in winter - and are a popular photo motif with snow-covered trees and frozen-over waters.

Places of interest around the park

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