Hohe Mark Nature Park | Nature in Münsterland
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Hohe Mark Nature Park
© Münsterland e.V./Maximilian Lehrke
Where nature draws the most beautiful pictures
Hohe Mark Nature Park

Hohe Mark Nature Park

The Hohe Mark Nature Park is located in the southern part of the Münsterland region and merges with the Ruhr area and the Lower Rhine. The 1,978 square kilometre nature park surprises with its varied landscape and its extensive hiking and cycling trails.

Four thematic areas illustrate the scenic diversity of the nature park. In the far south, industrial history has had and continues to have a strong influence on nature. Even today, there are still quarrying areas for sand and gravel here. Where man has retreated, beautiful lakes and new natural areas have emerged. Mining also permanently changes the landscape with its subsidence.

A little further north, water is the dominant element. In the nature park, the Lippe is still allowed its winding bed and a floodplain landscape worth preserving. The Stever has also reclaimed part of its original habitat in the Steverauen near Olfen.

In the west of the nature park, the Bocholter Aa winds its way from Velen via Borken and Bocholt to the Dutch border. Cyclists can follow the small river on a beautiful cycle path. Not to be forgotten, of course, are the large reservoirs around Haltern am See, which are surrounded by wonderful paths and attract numerous water sports enthusiasts.

Deep forests and wide parkland

Trees wherever you look: the woodlands of the Hohe Mark characterise a central area of the nature park. Countless pines were planted on the sandy soils, which served as support beams for the miners in the Ruhr area. In many places it is possible to observe how the area is once again being transformed into a mixed forest with beech and oak trees. A hike through the forest landscape is not to be missed.

To the north and west, the "woodland" merges into the Münsterland park landscape. Meadows, fields and farmland characterise the cultural landscape, interrupted by hedges, avenues and small farm woods. Numerous castles and parks provide a picturesque backdrop for the nature park and are points of attraction for visitors.

You should definitely plan a hike from Raesfeld Castle through the historic zoo with its beautiful landscaped areas. One of the most magnificent buildings is "hidden" in the far west near Isselburg. The Anholt moated castle impresses with its romantic location in the middle of the Münsterland park landscape.

Hohe Mark Nature Park | Map

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