Wild horses in Dülmen | Excursion in Münsterland
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The wild horses in Dülmen
© Maike Wittreck
The last in Europe
Wild horses in Dülmen

Wild horses in Dülmen

Steam rises from their bodies, they move attentively but relaxed - whoever sees the wild horses for the first time in early spring in the early morning will not forget the sight so quickly. The wild horses live in the Merfelder Bruch near Dülmen all year round. For ages, on the property of the Duke of Croy, there has been a wild horse track where up to 400 animals can move around naturally.

The nature reserve, which covers about 3.2 square kilometres, is characterised by its very diverse vegetation: Oak and coniferous forests alternate with pastures, heathland and birch scrub. In this way, the wild horses find exactly the varied habitat they need without having to make do with human help. Humans do not intervene in the case of diseases or births, and only in hard winters are they fed in some places. As a result, a hardy herd emerged that is now considered the last wild horse herd in Europe.

Map | Wild Horses Dülmen

  • Guided tours
  • Outdoor
  • Dogs allowed
  • Spring
  • Autumn
  • Summer

Wild horses Dülmen

Öffnungszeiten vom 16.03. to 01.11.
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
    10:00 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr
  • Sunday
    10:00 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr
  • Die Saison startet zwischen März und April. Der angegebene Starttermin dient nur der Orientierung.
  • Die Öffnungszeiten gelten auch an Feiertagen in NRW
  • Hunde dürfen angeleint mitgeführt werden. Bei Führungen sind Hunde nicht erlaubt.

Entrance fees for the Wild Horse Railway

  • Adults:
    4,00 €
  • Children:
    2,00 €

Guided tour of the Dülmen wild horses

Visitor groups of 10 people or more have the opportunity to observe and experience the wild horses in the wild under expert guidance by prior appointment from Mondays to Fridays.

Duration: approx. 1 hour.

Dogs: not allowed!


  • Adults: 4,00 €
  • Children (up to 14 years): € 2.00
  • additional per group: 40,00 €
  • School classes: € 30.00

Appointment: Mrs. Forest Inspector Rövekamp, mobile phone: 0170 3478005


The Münsterlandblog

Foals at the Dülmen Wild Horses Foals at the Dülmen Wild Horses
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
We visited the wild horses for you

Our colleague Kerstin Clev says: "The Dülmen wild horses are one of the absolute highlights in Münsterland." Why is she of this opinion? You can read about it in her article on the MünsterlandBlog. Here Kerstin gives you tips and further information for your visit to the Merfelder Bruch.

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