Travelling by train to the southern section of the 100 Castles Route
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Travelling to Münsterland by train
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
100 Castles Route | South Course
Travelling by train

Travelling by train

If you prefer to leave your car at home, there are numerous options for travelling by train. No fewer than 10 railway stations are less than 1 km away from the southern section of the 100 Castles Route . Münster main station is not only served by numerous regional trains from all parts of North Rhine-Westphalia, but also offers numerous long-distance connections. If you prefer to board the train at another location along the 100 Castles Route, you will also find good connections at the other stations.

Journey times to Münster

Journey times to Münster Hauptbahnhof (fastest connection in the summer timetable)

Berlin 3:58Hamburg 2:14
Bremen 1:16Hanover 2:15
Dortmund 0:29Kassel 2:49
Düsseldorf 1:16Leipzig 5:11
Essen 0:55Stuttgart 4:04
Frankfurt 3:12Würzburg 3:52

Stations on the southern section of the 100 Castles Route

Click on a stop to see all the railway lines and their stops.

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