River Cycle Route Aa-Vechte Tour | Cycling Tour in Münsterland
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Aa-Vechte Route Münsterland
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Following the water by bike
Aa-Vechte Tour

Aa-Vechte Tour

On the Aa-Vechte Tour, you cycle in the northern Münsterland between the rivers Aa and Vechte. The region in this part of Münsterland has its very own charm. During your cycle tour, let your gaze wander from small ridges far over the green park landscape. Around Ochtrup at the latest, the nearby border with the Netherlands also becomes visible in the landscape. Small rivers meander leisurely through the lush green of the almost completely flat park landscape. Only now and then does a church steeple or a stately farm greet you from a distance. A wonderful stretch to forget everyday life.

One cycle path, two rivers, eight villages

The cycle route leads through the middle of eight towns in the northern Münsterland and past two others: multifaceted and endearing and full of ideas for an exciting journey of discovery. A stroll through the historic town centres of Steinfurt, Horstmar and Bad Bentheim should definitely not be missed on a cycle tour along this route.

A cycling tour with many faces

On your tour, visit the massive hilltop castle of Bad Bentheim or Steinfurt Castle in Burgsteinfurt. Both mark the Protestant counterpart to the Catholic Münster, whose knights built fortified burgs in the border fortress of Horstmar. Get to know the "nightingale" made of clay, which has been crafted in Ochtrup for centuries. In the concert gallery in the Bagno, the oldest free-standing concert gallery in Europe, you can listen to top-class concerts. And all along the route, traditional Westphalian cuisine awaits you in rustic Münsterland inns.

Sights along the Aa-Vechte Tour

Steinfurt Castle
© Münsterland e.V./Axel Carneim

The moated castle of Steinfurt bears witness to the great art of building in the Münsterland. It lies beautifully behind the moats and the romantic gatehouse. Together with the peaceful and historically interesting Bagno Park and the picturesque old town of Steinfurt, it forms a unity worth seeing.

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The ice cellar
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Altenberge Ice Cream Cellar

The ice cellar of the former Beuing brewery in Altenberge was constructed on three floors and built solidly in bricks. This architectural monument is unique in its multi-storey construction; not only in Münsterland, but also in Europe.

Burgmannshof in Horstmar
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Burgmannshöfe Horstmar

The Burgmannshöfe still characterise the image of Horstmar today. Six of the eight former burgman's houses have been preserved in whole or in part. They served as the residence of the burghers for the protection and administration of the town. Their tasks and positions became increasingly important over the years and had a strong influence on the development of Horstmar.

Eggerrode place of pilgrimage
© Münsterland e.V./Matthias Höing
Eggerode place of pilgrimage

The small place of pilgrimage Eggerrode near Schöppingen looks back on a long history. The place was mentioned as early as 1151. Eggerrode is famous for the image of the Virgin Mary in the Chapel of Grace, built in 1843, which still attracts numerous pilgrims to the beautiful place today. Eggerode - Münsterland like a picture book.

House Welbergen
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting

Haus Welbergen near Ochtrup fascinates with its particularly romantic aura. A beautiful circular path leads around the fortified walls. One of the most beautiful gardens in Münsterland is hidden in the freely accessible inner courtyard.

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© Münsterland e.V./Sebastian Lehrke
Haddorf Lakes

The Haddorf Lakes near Wettringen are a true paradise in the warm season. The sandy beach is a wonderful place to "dream away the day". Why not extend your cycle tour on the Aa-Vechte Route with a little "swimming holiday"?

Bentheim Castle
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting

The only hilltop castle in Münsterland is certainly one of the most imposing structures along the Aa-Vechte Route. The mighty walls rise high above the plain and offer unique views over Münsterland and Grafschaft Bentheim.

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The Aa-Vechte route at a glance

  • 140 km
  • Circuit
  • easy
  • signposted
  • Multiday tour
  • Nature/History
  • Steinfurt
  • Nordwalde
  • Altenberge
  • Laer
  • Horstmar
  • Schöppingen
  • Metelen
  • Bad Bentheim
  • Ochtrup
  • Wettringen
Aa-Vechte tour public transport Aa-Vechte tour public transport
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting

The Aa-Vechte tour is easy to reach by train. The railway stations along the Münster-Enschede route make travelling easy and climate-friendly. The regional train runs every 60 minutes along the route - if the weather doesn't play ball or you don't have enough time for the entire tour, you can also cover part of the route by train.

Click on the stops on the map to find out more about the connections and current departure times.

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