Tour planner Münsterland for cyclists and riders
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Tour planner Münsterland
© Münsterland e.V.
Always on course with the ...
Tour planner Münsterland

Tour planner Münsterland

Münsterland offers more than 4,500 kilometres of signposted cycle routes, countless sights and service facilities for cyclists. It's not easy to keep your bearings for your next cycle tour. Good thing there's the Münsterland tour planner - it helps you plan your very own individual cycle tour. Create your personal tour according to distance, journey time or simply link popular sights together. Of course, you can also be inspired by the many themed routes and cycling tour tips when choosing your route. With the Münsterland tour planner you will always stay on course.

  • All theme routes in the Münsterland
  • Numerous cycle tour tips
  • The most beautiful sights - informative and up-to-date
  • Cycling tour planning according to routes or circular routes - just as you like it
  • GPS data for all planned cycle tours
  • Save planned cycle tours in your personal area

The Münsterland tour planner as an app

You prefer to use your mobile phone or tablet to plan your cycling tour? Then use our Münsterland tour planner app - also as a companion on the road. Let GPS guide you comfortably on your planned bike tour, discover interesting places along the way or even book your accommodation for the next night.

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