Rennfietsen-Tour Münsterland - The racing bike donation tour
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Racing bike tour Münsterland
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Racing bike tour Münserland

RennFietsen Tour Münsterland 2024

33,000 euros for children in need

The 15th Rennfietsen-Tour Münsterland came to an end on 12 May. The participants covered an impressive 600 kilometres in four days to collect donations for the AGAPEDIA foundation and the roterkeil network. The tour finally ended on Sunday in front of the Westphalian Peace Town Hall in Münster. There, the proud donation result of 33,000 euros was announced.

Many thanks to the participants, the sponsors, the donors and the team of organisers and helpers for the fantastic result.

The 16th Rennfietsen-Tour will take place from 29 May to 1 June 2025. Make a note now!

Racing bike tour Münsterland

The aim of the Rennfietsen-Tour Münsterland is to help children in need by combining sport and social commitment. The popular charity ride supports the two aid organisations AGAPEDIA Foundation and The tour is organised by the cyclists of Team AGAPEDIA Münsterland and Roter Keil Senden in cooperation with Münsterland e.V.

The "experienced" funds go 100 per cent to the supported organisations. The fact that the funds can be donated in full is thanks to the many volunteers, patrons and sponsors who make the realisation of the tour possible in the first place through donations in kind and money as well as their tireless personal commitment. Westenergie AG has been the main sponsor of the Rennfietsen-Tour Münsterland for many years.

Interviews | Participants about the Rennfietsen-Tour

Achim Stockel Achim Stockel
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting

"I can give something back, also as a small thank you for my great childhood"

The Rennfietsen Tour has become a tradition for him: Achim Stockel from Greven doesn't just get on his bike himself. Supported by family and friends, he is organising the team's stay in Rheine in 2024. In this interview, the 51-year-old explains, among other things, how he lets his donors cheer him on at home during the tour.

To the interview

Hubertus Gärtner (left) and tour guide Jürgen Dapper Hubertus Gärtner (left) and tour guide Jürgen Dapper
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting

"I made new friends during these four days"

Hubertus Gärtner from Albersloh took part in the Rennfietsen Tour last year as a newcomer. In this interview, the 69-year-old talks about how this time among like-minded people has shaped him - and why he is now keen to inspire others for this good cause.

To the interview

That's what drives us!

Guiding principle and goal

People and projects

The RennFietsen Tour Münsterland creates the basis for projects to support needy and distressed children. The participants of the RennFietsen Tour Münsterland turn this basis into their own projects.

Our guiding idea

Through the numerous projects of the participants, a large number of people should be sensitised to the topic of children in need, in order to change children's fates.
Children in need should be helped and their social development supported.

Our goal for the RennFietsen Tour:

Every kilometre cycled is "sold" for the amount of 1 € per kilometre.

Are you in?

Questions for you:

  • Do you want to make the Rennfietsen Tour idea your own?
  • Do you want to inspire people with your project for the idea of the Rennfietsen-Tour?
  • Do you want to adopt the Rennfietsen-Tour as your goal and "sell" your kilometres ridden for 1 euro each?
  • Can you manage to cycle up to 150 kilometres by road bike in one day?


And what happens if you don't reach your goal?

Then be proud of what you have achieved for children in need. We would love to welcome you to the Tour 2025 and look forward to celebrating your success with you. Set yourself a new goal for 2025, be inspired by the projects of the other participants and be there again when the motto for Ascension Day 2025 is: "Münsterland helps children in need".

For this you donate

This road bike charity stage ride supports the projects AGAPEDIA and 100% of the donations will be forwarded. All organisational work and administrative costs are covered by voluntary work, sponsors and patrons.

What do the two projects mentioned stand for? What work is done there? Where do the donations go? All information on this can be found in our two donation projects


AGAPEDIA Foundation AGAPEDIA Foundation
© Stiftung Agapedia

AGAPEDIA is the foundation established by Jürgen Klinsmann in 1995 to set up projects to support needy and suffering children. AGAPEDIA's work includes advising, planning, organising and implementing humanitarian projects with the aim of directly helping affected children and supporting social developments through sustainable projects.

In addition to a project in Germany, AGAPEDIA is particularly involved in Eastern Europe, as many abandoned infants and children live in these countries due to the poor economic situation combined with high unemployment. AGAPEDIA is now active in many countries as a registered foundation with its own local staff teams. The administrative costs of the foundation are borne by the founding members of AGAPEDIA and from the income of Jürgen Klinsmann's foundation assets.

Protection and help for more joy for children - - Hope for abused children
© is a network to combat child prostitution, child pornography and any kind of sexual violence, which was founded in 1999 by the then chaplain and now deputy vicar general Dr. Jochen Reidegeld and has grown steadily since then.

The network consists of a large number of committed people with the common goal of countering the crime of organised child abuse with a movement.

The network works on a voluntary, non-denominational and party-politically independent basis. In organisational terms, the Red Wedge Network consists of a total of five local groups in Olfen, Greven, Senden, Bottrop and Dortmund and the foundation. The network receives support from numerous celebrities, such as Sebastian Kehl (footballer), Ingrid Klimke (dressage rider), Helene Fischer (singer) Prof. Dr. Rita Süssmuth (former Bundestag President), Gabis Köster (actress), Ernesto Cardenal (theologian and politician).

Donations - made very simple

Road cycling for a good cause - that is the RennFietsen Tour Münsterland. Whether actively as a rider, with a donation or in support as a sponsor, become active and help us to support children in need.

Of course, you can also do something for a good cause without riding along.

Donation account

Kreissparkasse Steinfurt
Beneficiary: RennFietsen Tour Münsterland
Kto: 727 34 882
BLZ: 403 510 60

IBAN: DE29 4035 1060 0072 7348 82


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