Rennfietsen-Tour Münsterland | Interview with Achim Stockel
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Start of the Rennfietsen Tour at Münster/Osnabrück Airport
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Racing bike tour Münsterland 2024
Interview with Achim Stockel

"I can give something back, also as a small thank you for my great childhood"

Interview with participant Achim Stockel from Greven

The Rennfietsen Tour has become a tradition for him: Achim Stockel from Greven doesn't just get on his bike himself. Supported by family and friends, he is organising the team's stay in Rheine in 2024. In this interview, the 51-year-old explains, among other things, how he lets his donors cheer him on at home during the tour.

Sport and social commitment

You are one of the regular riders on the Rennfietsen Tour. What drives you?

Cycling is my passion. I'm actually a footballer and played at a higher level for a long time, but a knee injury put an end to that at some point. I gradually got into cycling to do something for my muscles. The Rennfietsen Tour is the perfect way to combine sport with social commitment. I can give something back, also as a small thank you for my great childhood.

Do you remember your Rennfietsen première?

One day I simply signed up - without knowing what I was getting myself into. On my first Rennfietsen tour, the biggest challenge was riding so many kilometres for four days in a row. Over time, I got into a routine and it worked because riding in a group always creates a certain dynamic. I also had no idea at first whether I would be able to collect enough donations. In the beginning, it was a case of door-to-door canvassing and explaining the background to the Rennfietsen Tour. This developed into a self-runner. Friends, acquaintances and colleagues sometimes ask themselves: "When are we starting again?" The key is to maintain contacts.

How do you do that?

I don't just talk to the people who donate to the Rennfietsen Tour in advance. I also keep the 25 or so donors up to date by e-mail during and after the tour with information about what has happened in between. It's a give and take, an appreciation of all those who support me and us.

"It is important to us to raise awareness for children in need, to do good ourselves and to encourage others to join in"

What do you report on, for example?

I often mention little things: whether we had a flat tyre, whether we saw something special or funny and what the weather was like. I also tell them where the money we've raised will be used. That's because representatives of the two foundations that receive 100 per cent of the donations are on the tour. There's plenty of time to talk on the bike and we get more detailed information about how the donations are being used. This is all the more motivating. The suspense continues until the announcement of the donation amount. The thank-you speech that follows is also an introduction to next year.

Do people like to donate to the Rennfietsen Tour?

Yes, especially as it is not an anonymous donation. There is a person behind it, in this case me, who shows them that they are choosing a good option for their donation.

You are also involved behind the scenes of the Rennfietsen Tour, this time as the organiser of the Rheine stage.

I live in Greven and was born in Rheine, so I still have very good connections to my home town. A close friend of mine is the caretaker of the vocational college in Rheine, and when it came to reserving the triple sports hall for the overnight stay, all it took was a phone call. In 2023, at the Greven stage location, women from our circle of friends and the neighbourhood contributed some salads for dinner and two mates organised the seating. I receive great support from my wife Dani and my children Lina and Jana. I really appreciate any help and am happy to make use of it. If you spread the organisation over several shoulders, everything is easier.

More than 40 riders take part in the Rennfietsen Tour. What characterises the time spent together?

More than half of the participants are regular riders. What's interesting is that we only see each other once a year and then we're together for four days around the clock. The togetherness is totally pleasant. What counts and many people don't realise at first is that we are accommodated very simply, there is no comfort. Up to 60 people spend the night in a single sports hall with a few toilets and shower rooms. Sleeping on an air mattress for three nights can be challenging.

What is the thought at the end of each tour?

It is important to us to raise awareness for children in need, to do good ourselves and to encourage others to join in. And last but not least, it is a very nice feeling to have generated funds for these children. The goal of the story is always at the centre of the Rennfietsen Tour.

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