Mindful travel in Münsterland
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Mindful travel means conscious experience
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Experience the Münsterland consciously
Mindful travel

Mindful travel in Münsterland

Mindfulness: What does that actually mean exactly? When you think of mindful travel, do you immediately think of travelling by train instead of by car? Or of eating in a small, owner-operated restaurant rather than in a large fast-food chain? Yes, that is true. But there is so much more that can play a role in mindful travel:

Take a break and be aware of the environment

Slow down! Leave your professional and private everyday life behind you for a moment and return to "leisureliness" for a while. When taking a selfie, don't just capture the moment in the picture, but look around consciously: Why are you taking this picture? What moment do you want to capture for later? Enjoy the moment a little longer. Look around you. Breathe in. Maybe close your eyes and just listen to the sounds of nature.

Shopping experience in the farm shop

But mindfulness is also important for the senses of "tasting" and "smelling". Many delicious products from local farms in the Münsterland prove this. Combined with an experience shopping - i.e. surrounded by fields, animals and your own gardens - you can buy fresh and regional food from many producers directly on site: Crisp vegetables, sweet and sour fruit, homemade pasta and jams, sausage and cheese products - you can get all this and much more in the many farm shops in Münsterland and experience it with your sense of taste and smell.

...and in the concept store

And what goes for food can't go wrong for other products. There are numerous concept stores and owner-run shops in Münsterland that focus on sustainability, environmental protection and individuality instead of mass-produced goods. Here you can find clothing, home accessories and other lifestyle products. Why should you prefer to shop in such shops and farm shops? Not only do you strengthen the regional economy, but you also contribute to climate protection. Local products have much shorter supply chains than products from abroad. Shorter transport routes mean fewerCO2 emissions. In the case of food, this also has an impact on taste. Fruit and vegetables are harvested at full ripeness and do not have to be stored for a long time or transported over long distances.

No-waste picnic

The sun is shining, you're sitting on a beautiful meadow with delicious food and drinks, you have a great view of nature and the surroundings, and then this: crackling foil, easily breakable plastic cutlery and jingling crown caps not only interrupt the view, but also disturb the listening to the sounds of nature and end up piling up in a heap of rubbish. So that you can feel that carefree picnic feeling next time, here are the ten most important tips for a no-waste picnic.

No-Waste Picnic Tips Münsterland No-Waste Picnic Tips Münsterland
© Münsterland e.V./ foodistas
How to be sustainable
10 tips for a no-waste picnic
Learn more...

Adventure right on the doorstep

Sometimes you don't have to travel so far to experience adventures and new things. There are certainly many places in Münsterland that you haven't seen yet. The blue lagoon in Beckum, for example - doesn't it remind you of a beautiful island in the Pacific? Or visit the Anholt moated castle and the nearby Anholter Schweiz wildlife park: here you'll find an island in the middle of a lake with a small chalet on it - today's Swiss cottage. Drink a coffee here, eat a piece of cake and you'll feel like you're in Switzerland. And then, of course, there are the more than 100 castles, palaces and manor houses in Münsterland. Here you can dream yourself into a fairytale.

Cycling instead of travelling the world

You can combine all these great sights in Münsterland with cycling tours, because cycling is a way of life here. That's why there are countless cycle paths in the region, many of which take you to impressive castles, nature experiences, dreamy landscapes and picturesque villages. Cycling holidays are of course a particularly sustainable form of mindful travel, but at the same time cycling keeps you fit and you can experience nature up close.

Water, forest and meadows

Large lakes, quiet ponds, deep forests, wide horizons - the Münsterland has a surprisingly diverse landscape. Here you can "purge" wonderfully. Enjoy the wide views over the meadows and fields. Here and there you might discover a few farms and small houses, but otherwise: peace, flora and fauna. Nothing else. With a little patience you can find unusual plants and rare animal species. Unique moments are also offered on the subject of water: Be it the Aasee lake in Münster, the Rieselfelder fields on the outskirts of Münster or the canyon in Lengerich. Pedal boating on the lakes, canoeing at castles, cycling along the Dortmund-Ems Canal; there are numerous ways to associate the element with deceleration. And then there are the Teuto loops in the Tecklenburg region. A dream for hiking...

Using the holiday as time out instead of "city hopping

Less is more - this motto is also great to live by on holiday. On your next trip, don't rush breathlessly from attraction to attraction, but enjoy the combination of sights and relaxation, of city and country. Make a point of taking time out in between, for example for a coffee break in the castle café or a wonderful picnic on the castle meadows. Stay longer in one place to enjoy the view and take a deep breath. Rushing from one castle to the next for a selfie to show off on social media? No need!

Contact with locals

Mindful travel also includes travelling locally and getting in touch with the local people. They are the ones who know their home and surroundings like the back of their hand and can definitely give helpful tips. Open yourself up to the people around you, listen to them, ask questions, be enchanted by their stories and learn about local specialities, ways and traditions.

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