Training | Offers Münsterland | Craft | Industry | Administration
Münsterland has numerous exciting training companies.
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Training opportunities

Training opportunities in Münsterland

The Münsterland economic region is full of exciting opportunities, with numerous apprenticeship places in very different areas. Whether in the skilled trades, industry or the public sector - there are offers everywhere. Here we give you an overview.

Training Night in the Borken District

On 18 November 2021 from 5 to 8 p.m. , the Night of Apprenticeship of the district of Borken will take place. Here, current trainees, trainers and other contact persons, pupils and their parents will provide information on the topic of training and give exciting insights into their companies. The event is free of charge and can be attended without registration. You can find more information and the participating companies here.

District of Borken introduces the "beAzubi" app

The "beAzubi" app is a new digital format for pupils and companies. The app not only enables young people to find free places for BFE and internships, but also allows companies to contact young people interested in training. Companies can register with the "beAzubi" portal in just a few steps and thus attract the attention of pupils at an early stage.

You can download the app free of charge from the Google Play Store and the App Store for iOS. You can find more information and explanatory videos here.

Training Market Report of the Coesfeld Employment Agency

Finally getting started in professional life! In the next few days, a new phase of life begins for many young people with the start of their training. Those who have not yet been able to sign a training contract do not have to bury their heads in the sand, because many companies are still looking for trainees.

Training Market Report of the Rheine Employment Agency

Whether in the skilled trades, in the public sector, in the health sector or in another industry: for many young people, their training will begin in the coming week and with it a new phase in their lives. In the district of Steinfurt, however, 432 young people are still looking for the right training. With the help of the vocational counselling service at the Rheine Employment Agency, you could still find a place.

Online quiz of the Coesfeld Employment Agency

How many apprenticeships are there? What is a dual study programme? How do I find the right job? You can easily find out the answers to these questions with the online quiz of the Coesfeld Employment Agency. With the help of a bot, young people can get examples of various professions and a good overview of the numerous opportunities for starting a career. Using the bot is free of charge and ideal as a first step towards choosing a career.

Here to the online quiz.


Do you have problems or questions about your apprenticeship? Dr. Azubi can help you quickly, anonymously and free of charge. Simply enter all the necessary information on the DGB Youth website and Dr. Azubi will answer your personal enquiry quickly and individually.

Here you can get to Dr. Azubi.


In the WDR documentary series "Passt, wackelt und hat Luft" (Fits, wobbles and has air), apprentices from the skilled trades present their daily challenges. Josie Hennemeyer and Till Hegemann are also part of this great documentary series. The duo works for interior decorator Hegemann in Bösensell and will give us an insight into their varied everyday working lives from Monday.

The four episodes with the duo from Bösensell can be seen from 17 January on Mondays from 9 pm on WDR television or in the media library.

Further information can be found here.


The DGB Youth informs pupils about various career opportunities after the last period of school and also helps them to acquire the necessary skills. Furthermore, there is a lot of information for teachers on the website of the DGB Youth.

You can find more information here.


Under the name "AusbildungKlarmachen", the Federal Employment Agency (BA) has developed an information platform for young people, parents, employers and teachers in cooperation with the self-government partners. The internet platform bundles all information and offers on the topic of training in one place.

You can find more information on the various offers here.

Make a career in the health and care sector!

Do you like being with people? Then why not do an apprenticeship in nursing?
© Regionalagentur

You are "good with people"? Perfect, welcome to nursing! Get excited about your future in health and care professions - because they are more important than ever and are needed everywhere. That's why the Regional Agency Münsterland and the Municipal Coordination Office of the District of Warendorf are currently holding an exhibition to provide information about this branch of training.

Have we aroused your interest? Great! In an accompanying booklet, which you can download below, you will find addresses of companies where you can do your career exploration day or your school internship. This way you can find out whether a health or nursing profession is your thing. We also tell you what requirements you need to meet and introduce you to trainees who can tell you about their experiences.

Youth Craft Factory: Apprentices give insights

The "Youth Craft Factory" network of the Steinfurt-Warendorf District Guild of Skilled Crafts consists of pupils and apprentices in the skilled crafts and shows a new way of career orientation. On the website, the young people report on their training in blogs and vlogs. They also take interested people into their everyday lives and give them exclusive insights on a YouTube and Instagram channel. In this way, students can be inspired and gather ideas for their own future.

To the website

Parents' Internship - Mum's Day

Parents are often the first point of contact for young people when it comes to choosing a career. With the "Mums' Day" format, the Steinfurt-Warendorf District Trade Association specifically addresses the parents of teenagers and young adults. On behalf of many other parents, mother Ilka was on the road and completed aparent internship in various trades every week. Now her impressions can be found on the Youtube channel of the Steinfurt-Warendorf District Association of Skilled Cra fts.

Dream jobs in the skilled trades

Through the "Dream Jobs in the Skilled Crafts" campaign, the Coesfeld District Skilled Crafts Association informs young interested people about the various occupational profiles in the skilled crafts through special publications in the local newspaper and special radio broadcasts. You can find information on the dream jobs in the skilled crafts that have already been published and on further publication dates here.

Apprenticeship radar of the chambers of crafts

The apprenticeship radar offers you easy access to available apprenticeships or internships in current skilled trades. Search for suitable training companies nationwide with just a few clicks. Clearly arranged lists or maps simplify navigation and lead you quickly to the results!

To the website

Training seeks young talent: IHK informs parents

How does the child find the right training company? And what are the career opportunities in the different professions? Applying in times of Corona? Parents can help their offspring start their careers. The North Westphalia Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK Nord Westfalen) provides valuable tips on how parents can support their child in the search for a training place. If you are interested, you can find out more and register free of charge on the following website:

To the website

IHK North Westphalia: Perfectly fitting staffing

The IHK's "Passgenaue Besetzung" programme advises young people on all aspects of applying for jobs and on specific training places in industry and commerce. The advice is completely free of charge. You can register online at your convenience. You can find more information here.

IHK Apprenticeship Exchange

In the IHK apprenticeship exchange, you can search quickly and easily by desired occupation, location and radius. Or you can register and create an application with up to three apprenticeship occupations. You will then be informed by e-mail about current training opportunities.

To the website

No degree without connection

The state project of the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs "Kein Abschluss ohne Anschluss" ("No graduation without connection") helps to facilitate the transition from school to work for young people. The municipal coordination offices play a central role in the implementation of the state project. They network the actors in the respective municipalities and bundle all activities and services related to the topic of transition from school to work on site. In addition, they offer digital alternatives to career guidance for young people in times of Corona.

Contact persons at the municipal coordination offices

Steinfurt district

Contact: Sara Morais Teixeira
Tecklenburger Str. 10
48565 Steinfurt
Phone: 02551 69 1580

To the website

District of Borken

Contact: Rita Krümplemann
Burloer Str. 93
46325 Borken
Phone: 02861 681 4140

To the website

District of Coesfeld

Contact: Julia Hörbelt
Schützenwall 18
48653 Coesfeld
Phone: 02541 18 9026

To the website

District of Warendorf

Contact: Aynur Tur
Waldenburger Str. 2
48231 Warendorf
Phone: 02581 53 4045

To the website

City of Münster

Contact: Claudia Isermeyer
Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 110
48153 Münster
Phone: 02514 92 4072

To the website

Career choice passport NRW

Welcome to the jungle of a thousand possibilities. After school, the world is open to you, but what should your future look like? The Berufswahlpass NRW helps you with your questions and supports you on your way into working life. You can find out more about applying for jobs, get tips for job interviews, learn more about internships, apprenticeships and studies, and learn how to analyse your strengths.

To the website

Click here: Digital Services of the Employment Agency

Many things can be done most quickly online: That's why the Federal Employment Agency has digital services. There you can find information on job exchanges, post a job application yourself or find out more about choosing a profession or course of study. Support options during training are also listed here, for example, when it comes to vocational training allowance.

To the website

BA Training Centre for the Application

Whether you are applying for a job, going to an interview or taking a recruitment test, the Federal Employment Agency can help you with your application. At the BA Training Centre, the Rheine Employment Agency gives you the opportunity to register for services such as career guidance, online seminars and application assistance.

To the website

Training placement and youth employment agency at the Jobcenter Kreis Warendorf

In the training placement service, the staff of the Warendorf District Job Centre support young people on their way to training. With professional assistance, they thus facilitate the transition from school to work. The Youth Employment Agency advises and helps young people in the "jungle of authorities" and, in cooperation with the Federal Employment Agency and the youth welfare offices, supports them in finding the right contact persons.

To the website

Training with a disability

The chances of getting an in-company training place are low for many young people with disabilities. This is not only due to the demands of the training market, but often also to the scepticism of many entrepreneurs: they fear performance deficits and additional work. But they are wrong: with professional support, young people with disabilities can successfully complete an apprenticeship.

More information is available in the brochure of the NRW Ministry of Labour.

Contact persons in the integration services

Coesfeld and Borken districts

Contact: Andrea Brauckhoff
Röntgenstr. 6
46325 Borken
Phone: 02861 8029318

Steinfurt district

Contact: Josef Wenning
Breite Strasse 10
49477 Ibbenbüren
Phone: 05971 9488235

District of Warendorf

Contact: Matthias Wehkamp
Warendorfer Str. 81
59227 Ahlen
Phone: 02382 8556398

City of Münster

Contact: Annemarie Stückenschneider
Dahlweg 112
48153 Münster
Phone: 0251 98628933

The Hengst employer in Münster The Hengst employer in Münster
© Hengst SE
Browse directly with employers from the region

Do you already have an idea of which employer in the region you could start an apprenticeship with or which industry you particularly like? Then you might find what you are looking for on the page about the top employers in Münsterland.

Many of them regularly train apprentices in a wide variety of professions. In the medical field as well as in the commercial sector or in administration. More...

How do others do it? Trainee stories from the region

Trainee Lara and her parents Trainee Lara and her parents
© Philipp Foelting
Because training pays off
Families tell
Learn more...

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