Trainees and their stories | Training in Münsterland
Ole Mohrmann und seine Mutter Christine aus Coesfeld
© Münsterland e.V. / Philipp Foelting

Aus(Bildungs)checker and their stories: Families tell

Cars and technology have always been Ole's thing. Lara, meanwhile, prefers to be out and about on the building site, setting stone upon stone. And Britta loves to be there for her patients. The parents are happy that their children are going their own way, whether as budding automotive mechatronics technicians, bricklayers or medical assistants. What is so exciting about an apprenticeship? That's what we asked our training checkers!

Here, Ole, Lara and Co. tell their stories. - – and their parents also have their say.

Training opportunities in Münsterland

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Training in Münsterland: Exciting and versatile Training in Münsterland: Exciting and versatile
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