Apprenticeship Checker | Apprentices and Parents Tell | Lara Hellenkemper
Lara Hellenkemper and her parents Karin and Jörg from Ennigerloh
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Foelting

A woman in construction

Lara Hellenkemper becomes a bricklayer and makes her parents Karin and Jörg proud.

Lara Hellenkemper always wanted to create something, to work on something that was tangible for her. Nevertheless, for a long time she didn't really know what would be right for her. Then, when she was allowed to help her father rebuild a house - two weeks before the regular start of her apprenticeship - it was clear to her: "I want to do something crafty!" Just in time to start an apprenticeship on time. Physical work never bothered her, instead she always enjoyed it when she could see what she had created with her own hands. After a counselling offer from the employment agency, it was clear to Lara: she wanted to become a bricklayer.

"I thought it was great," recalls her father Jörg. Mother Karin was rather sceptical at first: "Oh dear, that's really a difficult profession. A lot of hauling, a lot of men, a rough tone. As a girl, you have to be able to assert yourself in this job."

The right decision

But Lara went her way. "The apprenticeship was exactly the right decision," she says. "You do what really interests you. Sure, it was also a change. You don't just sit around and listen, but you are on the move a lot and learn to take responsibility," says Lara. But it was precisely this that she liked from the beginning. Her mother Karin is now also sure that her daughter has chosen the right path: "You can just tell that she enjoys it and then it's the right thing to do."

What's next for Lara?

Lara already knows what she wants to do after her apprenticeship. She wants to study civil engineering and continue working as a bricklayer during the semester breaks so that she doesn't lose touch with the practical side of things. Mother Karin and father Jörg are very proud of their daughter: "She stands her ground and follows her path. She is never in a bad mood after work and the feedback from colleagues and the company is consistently positive."

Training opportunities in Münsterland

Lara and her parents have convinced you? You, your daughter or your son would also like to do an apprenticeship? Click here for the offers in Münsterland.

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