Apprenticeship Checker | Apprentices and their parents tell | Ole Mohrmann
Ole Mohrmann and his mother Christine from Rheine
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Foelting

The workshop as a second home

Ole Mohrmann is going to become a motor vehicle mechatronics technician. The first push came from his parents.

It had to be something practical. That was clear to Ole Mohrmann from an early age. "My son played with Lego technology when other children couldn't even walk," says mother Christine with a smile and at the same time full of pride. For Ole, too, it was clear from an early age that he wanted to do an apprenticeship after graduating from high school. Preferably in the craft sector. But in which trade exactly? Ole didn't know until then.

"I always liked cars and technology," he says. But at first he didn't really think about training to become an automotive mechatronics technician. The idea finally came from his parents. And Ole was immediately convinced. So he sent out his first applications - and for every two applications he received, he got two acceptances. "The applications were easier than I thought," Ole remembers. So he was able to choose the company he wanted.

Fascinating technology

Ole is particularly fascinated by technology. "One day I would like to develop cars myself," he says. But before that, Ole still has to successfully complete his apprenticeship. After that, nothing stands in the way of studying automotive engineering.

Mother Christine is happy that her son feels so comfortable in his profession: "I am proud of my son. I think there is nothing better for a young person at such a young age than to find a job that he really enjoys. Not many people can say that about themselves."

Promising future

And the outlook for the future is also promising: because not only do Ole's grades continue to promise success, the feedback from his colleagues is also consistently positive. The budding automotive mechatronics technician is happy that all doors were open to him: "It helped me to think about my interests. It is very helpful to know what you are good at. And nowadays there is a suitable apprenticeship for all interests".

Training opportunities in Münsterland

Ole and his mother have convinced you? You, your daughter or your son would also like to do an apprenticeship? Click here for the offers in Münsterland.

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