Apprenticeship Checker | Apprentices and their parents tell | Rene Stengel
Rene and Iris Stengel from Coesfeld
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Foelting

The ruler over the goods

Rene Stengel is training to become a warehouse clerk - to the delight of his mother Iris.

Rene Stengel actually wanted to start training as a motor vehicle mechatronics technician after school. Nevertheless, he got a taste of other areas through work placements and realised that he particularly liked the job of warehouse clerk. It quickly became clear to Rene: "That's what I want to do.

One reason: "As a warehouse clerk, you have good chances of advancement," says Rene. And further education at school was out of the question for him anyway. Mother Iris was immediately enthusiastic about her son's decision: "I never told him what to do. He could always decide for himself what he wanted to do.

The children's wish comes first

Son Rene advises other teenagers and young adults: "Don't put any pressure on yourself. If you want something and put your mind to it, you can get any training you want". And mother Iris also gives other parents an important sentence to take with them: "The children should do what they want and not what you want for the children."

And Rene already knows what he wants to do next: After his two-year training as a warehouse clerk, he wants to extend his training by another year and thus become a warehouse logistics specialist. But Rene also got to know other areas during his training. He finds working as a professional driver particularly exciting. "Maybe after my training as a warehouse logistics specialist I will do another training and become a professional driver," says Rene. But he doesn't want to decide about that until the time comes.

Training opportunities in the region

Rene and his mother have convinced you? You, your daughter or your son would also like to do an apprenticeship? Click here for the offers in Münsterland.

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