Apprenticeship Checker | Apprentices and their parents tell | Timo Stegemann
Timo Stegemann and his parents from Ladbergen
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Foelting

Inspire tourists to visit Münsterland

Timo Stegemann becomes a businessman for tourism and leisure - – and thus follows the profession of his parents.

Why tourism businessman? You don't have to search long for an answer to this question in the Stegemann family. Because son Timo got the inspiration for the apprenticeship profession from his parents, who had both trained as hotel clerks in the past. And father Udo and mother Christel always spoke only positively about that time. So Timo also decided he wanted to gain a foothold in this field.

"I knew quite early on that I wanted to do an apprenticeship after school," says Timo. That's why he went looking in event management. And discovered the apprenticeship in tourism and leisure for himself. On the one hand, because he liked the job advertisement, and on the other hand, because the training company was only a few kilometres away from his home.

The right path

Father Udo and mother Christel are proud of their son. "He knew what he wanted to do and we supported his decision immediately." They immediately noticed that it was the right path for Timo from many things: they liked his determination, the feedback from colleagues was always positive, and the grades were always right, too.

They advise other parents: "It is important to see what talents or interests the child has. Then you quickly realise in which direction the child's education or further training should go," Timo's parents think. And one thing is particularly important from their point of view: "The will of the child must be accepted.

What happens now? Timo is not sure yet. First of all, he wants to gain work experience. He can't imagine adding another full-time course of study. He likes his work as a tourism agent far too much for that.

Training opportunities in Münsterland

Timo and his parents have convinced you? You, your daughter or your son would also like to do an apprenticeship? Click here for the offers in Münsterland.

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